Dear Popcorn Lovers,
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE the smell of popcorn popping! The aroma is universally recognizable and also very comforting! So have you ever wondered, what makes it POP?!
Imagine this, the kernel contains moisture and oil. The outer hull is strong and impervious to moisture, and the starch inside is also extremely dense. As oil and water in the kernels are heated, it turns into steam and the kernel softens. The steam pressure increases until the breaking point of the hull is reached (356 degrees F.). The hull ruptures, causing a drop in pressure, expanding the starch into an airy foam. As the foam cools it is set into a familiar crispy puff that we enjoy in many different ways–plain, lightly salted with butter, no butter-salt only, sweet coatings and savory coatings.
WE WILL BE POPPING UP at SECOND SATURDAY IN DARIEN, GA on Saturday, February 8 from 10:00-1:00 (or while our treats last)! Come by and taste our new “winter” flavors, which include Red Cinnamon Candy, Raspberry Caramel, Honey Mustard Pretzel, and our Butter Toffee Pretzels. You will also find us at Heller Healthcare on Monday, February 10th from 1-5:30 p.m. (208 Scranton Connector, Ste. 120, BQK).
Have a POP-tastic Day!
The Popcorn Lady